Q. What is the plastic material used in producing plastic drums and jerricans ?
A. Both plastic drums and jerricans use the high molecular weight high density polyethylene in processing. This material generally offers good resistance to chemical attack. It also can withstand the impact such as when the drum is accidentally dropped from one and a half meter in height.

Q. What is UN-Number?
A. The UN number marking on the drum means that the drum is produced with the specifications based on the Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods by the United Nations committee of Experts. The aim is to present provisions that will allow uniform development of national and international regulations governing the various modes of transport. The Competent Authority of each Country will officially issue these UN markings.

Plastic drums and jerricans
1H1 drums, non-removable head 1H2 drums, removable head
3H1 jerricans, non-removable head 3H2 jerricans, removable head

Test requirements for packagins

Drop Test
Packing Group I Packing Group II Packing Group III
d x 1.5 (m) d x 1.0 (m) d x 0.67 (m)

* d = density

Leakproofness Test

Drop Test
Packing Group I Packing Group II Packing Group III
Not less than Not less than Not less than
30 kPa (0.3 bar) 20 kPa (0.2 bar) 20 kPa (0.2 bar)

Internal pressure (hydraulic) test

Drums should be subjected for a period of 30 minutes to a constant hydraulic pressure of 2 bar.

Stacking Test

Packages should be capable of withstanding for a period of 28 days at a temprature of 40°C. The stacking height is 3 meters with the total weight of identical pakages which could stack on it during transport.